Sunday, August 29, 2010

F&V: Peels

Q&A with Dr. Oz

Q: True not to peel fruits & vegetables (f&v) because the peel is full of vitamins?
A. The peels are rich with insoluble fiber and antioxidants. The fiber will keep material moving through your intestines while the anti-oxidants are invaluable for fighting off cancer-causing inflammation. I wouldn't recommend you attempt to eat a pineapple with the peel on, but generally, if you can get through the peel using your fingernail (i.e., apple, potato, unwaxed cucumber), leave it.

Q. But doesn't peeling also get rid of the pesticides that were sprayed on?
A. Many of the f&v with the thinnest peels (peaches, apples, bell peppers, potatoes) tend to have the most pesticides on the inside, so peeling them wouldn't help much anyway. Pony up the extra cash to go organic. F&V that you would never eat with the peel (avocado, pineapple, mango, banana) are safe to buy nonorganic -- the thick peel keeps the inside nearly pesticide-free.
(Sept 2010 Esquire)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

nytimes: Eat an Apple (Doctor's Orders)

* Childhood obesity in the US costs $14.1 billion annually in direct health expenses like prescription drugs and visits to doctors and emergency rooms
* Treating obesity-related illness in adults costs an estimated $147 billion annually
*People tend to overeat junk food in higher proportion than they undereat vegetables. Unless people curtail excessive consumption of salty and sugary snacks, behavioral changes like eating more fruit and vegetables will have limited effect on obesity.